2017-03-20 11:19:10
This educational programme was developed jointly by the Prevention and Road Traffic Department of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Gdańsk and the container terminal of DCT Gdańsk.

The educational classes are held as part of the programme 4 times in the school year, lessons are run by skilled police officers.

Within the framework of the programme children receive:
  • Primers for the whole school year, focusing on safe movement on the road, contacts with strangers, safety during stay at home on their own, during summer and winter holidays.
  • High-visibility braces and bands;
  • Educational materials in the form of board games and colouring books.

The programme is aimed at acquisition by the youngest participants of the road traffic of desirable behaviours, safe habits and awareness of threats. Apart from the principles of the road traffic, children also become familiar with the principles of behaviour towards strangers, staying at home on their own, they learn about how to be safe near water and how to safely do winter sports and play outside.

The programme is dedicated to the youngest children, in order to teach them how to behave in a safe way from the earliest years.

The project was launched in 2014 and is implemented on an annual basis. The project covers the first grades in the two primary schools, Primary School number 61 in Gdańsk-Przeróbka and Primary School number 11 in Gdańsk-Stogi. In 2016 there started the 3rd edition of the programme
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