Privacy Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide you with information related to the processing of your personal data by Baltic Hub Container Terminal Sp. z o.o., 80-601 Gdansk, 7 Kontenerowa Str., fulfilling the role of the Data Controller (the “Controller”) within the scope described below, in a simple, brief and transparent manner. The set of the information provided to you corresponds to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the General Data Protection Regulation) (the “GDPR”).

This document is provided for informative purposes only and does not require undertaking any actions by you.


Baltic Hub processes personal data, including data from the CCTV, in particular for the purpose of the performance of the agreement concluded between you and Baltic Hub, providing services to you or undertaking actions necessary for the conclusion of the agreement or commencement of the service provision (under Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).

Apart from that, Baltic Hub may also process your personal data for the purpose of the fulfilment of legal obligations to which it is subject as the Controller (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR). In some events Baltic Hub processes your data for the purposes based on the controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), e.g. in the scope of responding to a request made by public authorities.  In other events your personal data are processed on the basis of your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

 Purposes for which Baltic Hub may process data due to legitimate interests:

Proper performance of the agreements concluded with contracting parties, including provision of services for the purpose of performance of such agreements,

Settlement of agreements concluded with contracting parties,

For the purpose of marketing of Baltic Hub’s own products and services,

If applicable, for the purposes connected with resolution of disputes by Baltic Hub and proceedings before public authorities;

Your provision of personal data is a contractual requirement, necessary for the proper performance and conclusion of the agreement, and for the provision of services to you. As regards the purposes resulting from legal obligations, collecting data by Baltic Hub is a statutory requirement. Baltic Hub processes the personal data collected from you only to the extent necessary for the performance of the purposes described in this document. In the event your personal data have not been collected directly from you, the source of these data, i.e. in particular your name, surname, contact data (such as e-mail address or telephone number, and other data necessary for the performance of the agreement is the Contracting Party or other, publicly available sources (KRS, CEIDG, Internet).


In the course of the ordinary business Baltic Hub may transfer your personal data to third-party recipients (in compliance with all requirements to provide security of data, resulting from the data protection laws), if it turns out necessary in the business processes, for assurance of high quality of the service provision and the fulfilment of Baltic Hub’s legal obligations. The above includes the following categories of data recipients:

  • Baltic Hub’s contracting parties, clients, suppliers,

  • public authorities,

  • entities supporting Baltic Hub in its business activities.


Your data are processed for the period necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes described above, i.e. for the period of the performance of the agreement binding Baltic Hub with you / provision of services, and after the expiry of the agreement or termination of the provision of services, for the period required under legal provisions or necessary for the performance of the legitimate interests of the controller.


Baltic Hub does not profile data or make automated decisions.


In justified events Baltic Hub may also process your personal data beyond the territory of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), in compliance with the requirements set out in Articles 46-49 of the GDPR. 


In connection with the protection of your data you are entitled to a wide range of rights under the provisions of the GDPR. They include:

1.       The right to rectification of data, if it turns out that the processed data are incorrect,

2.      The right of access of data, including the right to receive a copy and information about the processing processes,

3.      The right to require the erasure of personal data, in the events defined in the provisions of the GDPR,

4.      The right to require restriction of processing data,

5.      The right to portability of data provided to Baltic Hub,

6.      The right to object to the processing of your personal data,

7.      The right to file a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa)) if you consider that the processes of the processing of personal data by Baltic Hub violate legal provisions in force.

 If you exercise any of the rights to which you are entitled, Baltic Hub will make every effort and undertake necessary actions to meet your request.


We hope that the information presented to you helped you to become familiar with and understand the data processing processes in Baltic Hub. We make every effort to assure their compliance with applicable legal provisions in force and the best standards that guarantee the protection of your privacy, rights and freedoms.

If you have any questions about your data, please contact us by e-mail to or by post to the address of our registered office.


Cookies are short information, which Web Services stores on disk in users computer as text files. With use of cookies we are able to rate how the Web Service is popular. Web Service can recognize users computer, to know what type of information user needs, what looks for, which categories are used most frequently. Cookies are also used to make session persistent, for logged in users. Thanks to this functionality users do not have to enter their login and password each time they visit Web Service and enable Baltic Hub to create statistics on users actions . Cookies are also used for gathering information about the movement on the Web Service using the DoubleClick cookie for Google Analytics. Cookies also serve as data source for Google Analytics to personalize graphical advertisements. Users can block Google Analytics in Google’s Advertisement Preferences Manager.

Cookies are harmless and do not destroy or break the operating system of users devices, files stored on them, nor they influent their performance or functionality. Identification is anonymous and impersonal and these are only data on usage of the Web Service.

Web Service uses two kinds of cookies: session cookies and constant cookies. Session cookies are temporary files which are stored only when user is logged on to the Web Service. Constant cookies are stored on users devices for defined period of time or until they are removed by the user.

Following types of cookies are used within the Service:

essential cookies, which enable using the additional services on the Web Service, for example: cookies used to certify services within Web Service;

cookies used for safety purposes, for example: cookies used to detect any abuses in certifying within the Service;

efficiency cookies, which enable gathering information about the method of using Web Service;

functional cookies, which enable remembering personal settings and personal interface of user, for example: the chosen language, user’s region, type’s size, web page outlook etc.

advertising cookies, which enable providing adverts specially adjusted to user’s needs.

Cookies can be used and stored on users computers also by cooperating with Baltic Hub partners and advertisers.

Accepting of the Cookies is not mandatory and Baltic Hub is informing users about the purpose and usage and about the possibility of settings the conditions of storing or sharing cookies by making certain changes in user’s software We must notice that some cookies might be necessary to make the Web Service work correctly in full scope.

User can accept local storing of cookies in local device and by proper setting of the web browser. This means setting the browser enabling to accept cookies or, accordingly, making no change to the setting, what means acceptance for receiving and usage cookies by Baltic Hub in a way stated above.

Below, you can find links to a few official web sites of the most popular browsers producers, where you can find the information about cookies settings mentioned above.

  1. MS Internet Explorer 9

  2. Mozilla Firefox

  3. Google Chrome

  4. Opera 8.0

For example, if you have an older version of Internet Explorer, in order to change cookies setting, you need to choose “Settings” / “Internet options”/ “Privacy”/”Advanced”/Block cookies”. The user may also delete cookies while using the browse. Using the mentioned browser, the user needs to choose “Settings’/Internet options”/”General”/”Delete cookies”.

Baltic Hub is not responsible for the content of cookies sent by other web services, to which links can be found on the Web Service.


Changes to the policy will be communicated by proper notice made on the Master Page of the Web Service. The policy comes into force on the day when it is published on the Web Service. Changes will be highlighted for 30 days, starting on the day of publishing. Using of the Service after the new policy is introduced, means its acceptance.

In case of any questions related to the Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

O Baltic Hub