What kind of programme is it?
This is the 2nd edition of the grant competition called "Busole", which aims to identify and fund projects that best address the social needs of local residents.
Who can participate in the programme?
Organisations operating in the areas adjacent to Baltic Hub, i.e. Stogi, Przeróbka and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie. Non-profit organisations, schools, kindergartens, foundations, organisations involved in broadly-understood healthcare, environmental protection and sports promotion.
Who cannot participate in the programme?
Natural persons, political parties, organisations established by them or with their support and organisations established to help specific individuals.
What kind of projects can apply for funding as part of the competition?
Any kind of projects that activate the local community and respond to its needs.
The themes of projects submitted to the grant competition should fit into the Baltic Hub's key areas of CSR activities: Education, Caring for the Environment, Health, Social Inclusion, Safety.
Please note that coordinators of all submitted project applications may be asked to present their assumptions, purpose, and potential number and description of beneficiaries in a short presentation at a meeting with the Marketing and Communications Department at Baltic Hub's headquarters on the date indicated by Baltic Hub.
How much funding can be obtained as part of the programme?
The organiser of the competition, i.e. Baltic Hub, allocates the maximum amount of PLN 250 thousand for the programme. Therefore, the cost of each project that applies for the funding must not exceed PLN 36 thousand, as 7 winning projects will be selected.
Who selects the 7 winning projects?
The winning projects will be selected by the Jury, composed of 3-4 persons from various institutions, including Baltic Hub.
When can applications be submitted?
From 18 June 2024 till 16 July 2024.
How to submit an application?
Let us guide you step by step through the process of applying for funding as part of the programme and let you know what happens after you submit your application.

Step-by-step application submission
Read the programme regulations
Complete the electronic application form (do not print it, everything can be completed electronically and saved) - Download below
Print and append your autograph signature to the "Statement of Compliance of the Information from the Electronic Application with the Actual Legal Situation"; Note! You must be a person authorised to represent the entity submitting the application!
Attach to the application a document confirming the legal status of the Applicant, issued no earlier than 3 months before the date of submission of the Application (a valid copy of the entry into the court register, an extract from the register or any other document confirming the legal status of the Applicant)
Attach the valid Articles of Association to your application
Send all of the above documents to busole@baltichub.com
Note! Make sure to attach all required documents:
1. Electronic Application,
2. Scan of the statement bearing your autograph signature,
3. Document confirming legal status,
4. Valid Articles of Association.
The Application has been submitted! What to do next?
You will receive an e-mail confirmation that your application has been received.
Wait for the award, which is scheduled for 31/05/2023 and will be published in tab Society / Busole District Grant
If your project is one of the 7 selected projects, read the contract, to be signed with the competition organiser, i.e. Baltic Hub.
Complete your details in the contract and send it to busole@baltichub.com
Wait until you are contacted to sign the contract.
Within 21 days of signing the contract, you will receive funds for the project
Get down to work! You can start implementing your project!
Remember to file a report in the middle of the project implementation period and at the end of the project.
!!! Remember to meet deadlines throughout the process of participating in the Busole district programme:
The start and end dates of submission of project applications: 18.06.2024 – 16.07.2024 r.3
Award: 09.08.2024 r.
Time limit for signing grant agreements: 12.08 – 30.08.2024 r.
The start and completion dates of the projects should fall within the following time frame: 02.09.2024 r. – 02.09.2025 r. (maximum project duration of 12 months)
Files to download