eOferta - information

What is eOFFER?

It is a tool for automated quotation in reply to inquiries related to stripping and stuffing services offered by Baltic Hub.

What quotes may be made with the use of eOFFER?

eOFFER is designed to handle basic inquiries that relate to standard loads, single containers or up to 3 containers.
The tool will allow, in a quick and easy way, to quote for most storage services we provide, such as stuffing and stripping.

How to use eOFFER?

In order to use the eOFFER, active access to Navis is required. Access to Navis is granted based on binding agreement.

I think I know everything, but..

If you have any questions or doubts, please contact Sales at sales@baltichub.com or Customer Service Office at customerservice@baltichub.com, phone number: +48 58 737 63 18.

We will provide any help and assistance required.

eOferta - logging into the system
eOferta - manual
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