In 2018 Baltic Hub continued its plan for growth and initiated its ‘T2B program’ –due to roll-out over the next 3 years. The program highlights included:
The purchase of three additional STS quay cranes, delivered in the third quarter of 2018. This meant that by the end of 2018 the T2 quay was to be equipped with 8 modern STS cranes (all with an outreach of 25 rows of containers). The area of the storage yards was also increased accordingly, and equipment was purchased - 5 eRTG yard cranes.
Full automation of gates with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) cameras to record trucks and containers that arrive as pre-booked in the VBS advisory system.
Significant expansion of rail handling capacity (rail tracks were extended to 750 meters, and then the railway siding was expanded from 4 to 7 tracks). The railway siding upgrade also included the purchase of fully electrified RMG railroad cranes, as well as the launch of an OCR camera system for recording trains and containers.

"The new investments are aimed at continuously improving the quality of customer service in every area of the terminal's operations. But, that's not all, within two years a second approach track to the Port of Gdansk will be built, which Baltic Hub will also have access to. This will mean a reduction in the arrival time from the pilot station to the quay, thus improving the service time for ocean-going vessels arriving at Baltic Hub. In the long term, Baltic Hub has the opportunity to further expand both the quay and the storage yards in order to grow in line with the growing needs of the market." - commented Cameron Thorpe, CEO of Baltic Hub at that time.