Busole 3rd edition - winning projects

In this year's edition of the competition, Baltic Hub has received a record number of 19 applications for projects that respond to the needs of the local community. - The jury selected winners who will receive a total of PLN 250,000 in funding, including for educational workshops for children and elders, promotion of physical activity, dance classes and the creation of a multimedia and music studio at a local school.

 The third edition of the competition, organised and financed by Baltic Hub, attracted the interest of numerous non-governmental organisations, schools, kindergartens and other institutions that operate in the area of Stogi, Przeróbka and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie. Submitted projects covered a wide range of initiatives, from environmental protection and education to activities supporting social integration. The recruitment process lasted from 18 June to 16 July 2024. The projects were evaluated by a competition jury made up of representatives of the Baltic Hub, the Port of Gdańsk and the City Council. Seven ideas were awarded, which will be implemented over the next year in the neighbourhoods adjacent to the terminal.

Choosing the - projects was not easy, as each of them brought significant value to the local community, but the Jury had to choose seven of them. -We are counting on these projects to bring about positive change and significantly improve the daily lives of the residents of the neighbourhoods that are so close to our hearts. Our support through Busole distric grant is an expression of care for our neighbours and a beautiful tradition that we plan to continuesays Charles Baker, CEO of Baltic Hub.

“Senior’s Digital World”

Purpose and description of the activity:

The project involves the implementation of periodic and open educational workshops for seniors from DPS “Ostoja” and the local community in the form of two semesters (from October 2024 to June 2025). The tablet classes will include content related to learning how to use smartphone and tablet devices - operating basic functions, learning about various applications, using the Internet (video calls, online banking, patient account, sending emails, using a map) and digital security. The workshop will also include educational activities and rehabilitation of cognitive functions using tablets. The two semesters of classes will culminate in a one-day bus trip for seniors.

At the end of the second semester, intergenerational activities between seniors and schoolchildren are also planned - exchanging experiences and learning together. The end of the entire project will be an integrative intergenerational festival for the local community of the districts of Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowiec - Górki Zachodnie.

The aim of the project is primarily to prevent digital and social exclusion of seniors. Through workshops, seniors will be able to develop their passions and acquire new skills. This will allow them to gain self-confidence and open up to social contacts, especially with young people, whom we will invite to joint workshops. This will reduce the intergenerational distance, which is currently huge when it comes to the use of multimedia in everyday life.


The most important beneficiaries of our project are senior citizens. The elderly are the social group that is most often exposed to exclusion, primarily digital, but also social, stigmatization due to age, disability, appearance or material status.

Other beneficiaries are school children, families of seniors and the local environment - residents of Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowiec - Górki Zachodnie, whom we will invite to take advantage of the digital and educational workshop offer created by us and to participate together with seniors in the planned festivities. Estimated number of beneficiaries: 250 people.

“Safe Waters of Stogi: Retention and Environmental Education Project”

Purpose and description of the project:

The project focuses on restoring water retention and raising environmental awareness among users (RODs).

One of the key elements of this project is the need to unclog drainage ditches in ROD areas, which is an extremely important measure to prevent flooding. The most important function of drainage ditches in ROD areas is to protect plots of land from flooding, and indirectly to protect areas located in the Stogi district. Proper maintenance of these ditches is crucial to the stability of the district's entire water system. Neglect in this regard often leads to disruption of water relations in the area, which can result in serious problems, including flooding. Therefore, a key element of the project is the environmental education of allotment holders, so that they understand the importance of proper maintenance of drainage facilities and avoid activities that can disrupt the water system.

As part of the project, it is planned to organize training sessions that will be attended by elementary school children, which will help to shape environmental attitudes.


1. Allotment holders are the direct beneficiaries of the project. With the drainage ditches cleared, their plots will be protected from flooding, allowing them to use their land without problems. In addition, participation in training and workshops will allow them to better understand and more effectively implement ecological water management practices.

2 Children from elementary schools. Children's participation in environmental training is aimed at creating environmental awareness from an early age.

3. Local community. Improving water retention and protecting land from flooding has a positive impact on the entire local community. Safe and well-managed areas can serve as places of recreation and relaxation for all residents.

“Dance Adventure with Blitz”

Purpose and description of the project:

Dance adventure with Blitz. The project is aimed at children and young people from Stogi, who are interested in broadening the spectrum of body and movement work on stage. As an association, we would like to support young dancers with your help by purchasing costumes, subsidising transport to tournaments and organising dance workshops in the school year 2024/2025; social integration, promotion and publicity, self-esteem building, physical activity and the ability to use dance knowledge.

1. dance workshops to be held in cooperation with the GAK art house in Stogi.

2. purchase of costumes, necessary to represent the groups on stages both in Poland and abroad

3. assistance in organising transport for children to get to dance tournaments.


Children up to 12 years of age - about 65 people will participate in the project

young people 13-26 - approx. 35 persons

Adults over 30. - 21 people

The project is aimed at children, young people and adults who come from the Stogi district and actively spend their time by participating in dance classes at GAK. Total number - 121 people.

“Get into motion!!!”

Purpose and description of the project:

‘Get into motion!!!"-is a project promoting physical activity among the whole preschool community, which includes: children, parents, grandparents and preschool staff. Our aim is to raise funds to retrofit the gymnasium with sports equipment, a multimedia board, a climbing wall and to purchase medals, cups and sports T-shirts for the children. The funds raised will be used to organise and carry out a series of field games, music workshops, fitness classes, Sports Days and an Inter-school Sports Spartakiad.

All of these events aim to promote physical activity and engage the whole school, pre-school and local community to ‘get in motion’:

- promoting and fostering a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and mobilising people to spend their leisure time actively;

- to create opportunities for as many people as possible to participate in organised and attractive physical activities;

- implementing physical activity that has a positive impact on physical and mental health;

- spreading and developing a passion for dance;

- our project encourages and mobilises people to develop their sporting interests, teaches healthy competition and brings generations together.


The ultimate beneficiaries of the project are the entire preschool community, which includes: children, parents, grandparents and all preschool staff. Our activities will be directed to a large extent at the parents, as they have a decisive influence on the behaviour patterns of their children. The best way to shape health-promoting attitudes, including good physical activity habits, is by the example of the parents, grandparents and nursery school staff themselves.

Active leisure time reduces stress, reduces the risk of many diseases, improves circulation, increases immunity and fitness, which is why we will do our best to include as many older people as possible among our beneficiaries, i.e. grandparents of our children and other people and kindergartens from neighbouring districts. Total number - 720 people.


Purpose and description of the project:

The ‘SoundMakers’ project aims to create a modern multimedia and music studio at Primary School No. 72 in the Gdańsk Stogi district. The atelier will be equipped with modern musical instruments, sound creation and editing equipment and image processing equipment, providing pupils with comprehensive musical and technical development. Collaboration with the Academy of Music in Gdansk will enable the practical training of future music educators, while music therapy classes will support the emotional and social development of children. The project will benefit not only the pupils, but also the local community by integrating the district's residents through cultural and educational events.

The aim of the project is to create a state-of-the-art multimedia and music laboratory that will enable students to develop their musical skills and create audiovisual forms. The laboratory will support the implementation of innovative educational programmes, promote creativity and develop the talents of students. An important element of the project is cooperation with the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, which will make our school a practice facility for students - it will be a ‘School of Practice’. This form of cooperation is already taking place. In addition, music therapy classes for children will be held within the studio, as a complement to the art therapy classes already held in our painting studio and workshop. The studio will become a cultural centre, integrating the local community and promoting music and multimedia education.


The main beneficiaries of the project will be:

- Pupils who will gain access to a modern multimedia and music laboratory. This will enable them to develop their musical and multimedia skills. Music therapy classes conducted in the room will have a positive impact on the emotional and social development of the pupils;

- Students of the Academy of Music in Gdansk - the multimedia and music room will enable them to gain practical experience and thus - professional development and better preparation for future teaching work;

- Teachers - conducting classes in a modern laboratory will enrich their work and enable them to implement innovative educational programmes;

- School staff responsible for childcare - will benefit from the opportunity to organise a variety of activities to develop pupils' skills and talents.

- Parents and carers will be able to observe their children's progress in musical and technical skills; thanks to music therapy classes, parents can count on support in raising their children in a more balanced way.

Estimated number of beneficiaries - 400.

Series of artistic, environmental and bibliotherapeutic activities

Purpose and description of the project:

The aim of the project is to activate and improve the health (mental resilience) of the residents of the districts of Stogi, Krakowiec - Górki Zach.Krakowiec through integrative arte-, biblio- and art-therapeutic activities centred around the new premises of the Library in Stogi. The project envisages the organisation of a series of classes based on arte- and bibliotherapy and land art, as well as artistic workshops on wall painting (educational value) and the joint creation by project beneficiaries and students of the Academy of Fine Arts of a mural which will permanently decorate the library and the district.

We also want to improve the mental health of the inhabitants of these neighbourhoods, while at the same time protecting their environment, by organising activities based on arte- and bibliotherapy and land art, or land art. [...]

1. promotional activities, recruitment of workshop participants, opening of the project, purchase of materials, organisation and running of 3 painting workshops,

2. selection by WiMBP, ASP and beneficiaries of the project of a mural to be realised. Purchase of materials (paints, rollers, brushes, primer, etc.) and execution of the mural by ASP students and participants of the painting workshops,

3. organisation of 5 arte- and bibliotherapeutic and land-art workshops,

4. summary and settlement of the project.


The final beneficiaries of the project are the residents of the Stogi district and the users of the library branch there, as well as the residents of Górki Zachodnie - Krakowec. The project is intended for families with children, young people, as well as single people, senior citizens and people with disabilities. Beneficiaries include both the participants in the workshops and those who created the mural together with students from the Academy of Fine Arts (approximately 120 beneficiaries in total), and all users of the Library, residents and guests of the districts of Stogi, Krakowiec - Górki Zachodnie Beneficiaries also include the Library itself in Stogi, as well as Dom Kultury GAK and specialists whose offices are located in the new premises, in the building at 1 Szpaki St. Estimated number of beneficiaries - 200.


Purpose and description of the project:

To renovate, prepare and adapt a room to be used as a quiet room. The project envisages the creation and provision of a friendly, pleasant, safe and calming space for pupils in grades 1-8, teachers and parents.

It will create a corner in the school that will allow a break from the noise for a moment's peace and quiet during the school day. The name and the design of the place will refer to the concept of an island as a place where one can detach oneself from excessive stimuli, harmonise one's energy, achieve balance and take care of one's well-being. The project also involves teachers visiting the ‘Si - Island’, who also need to take care of their own balance and inner peace and inviting the parents of our students to parent-teacher relationship-building meetings. The aim of the ‘Si - Island - Start’ project is to reduce overstimulation, anxiety, depression in students by creating a friendly room that will serve as a calming room.  

The second objective is to create an additional space for teachers to calm their emotions and to improve, strengthen cooperation between teachers and parents and show the need for balance through meetings in such a place. The room will be used for relaxation meetings, therapy meetings, parent-teacher time to build up relationships, to stay for long breaks and also for training meetings for parents and teachers to strengthen cooperation.


The final beneficiaries are approximately 400 pupils from grades 1-8 and their parents (approximately 450) including 24 pupils with psychological-pedagogical counselling judgements, in addition 187 pupils with psychological-pedagogical counselling opinions and 32 teachers. Estimated number of beneficiaries - 882.