Busole Grant Competition - I Edition

The first edition of the Busole grant competition saw the participation of 18 non-profit organisations, schools, kindergartens and foundations that operate in the neighbouring districts of Stogi, Przeróbka and Krakowski-Górki Zachodni, all close to the BHCT.

The jury, made up of representatives of the BHCT, the Port of Gdansk and the University of Gdansk, awarded seven projects related to the environment, education, local history and preventing the exclusion of specific social groups.

In selecting the projects, the jury was guided, among other things, by: the impact of the activities proposed in the applications on the improvement of the functioning of the final beneficiaries of the project; the innovativeness and originality of the projects; and the experience of the applicant, partner or partners in implementing projects on similar themes.

Winning projects


The aim of the project "Social self-help on the island of Stogi - we are creating/adding to the material base of the Social Library" is to improve the premises and equipment for the implementation of the Association's statutory objectives, the purchase of carpeting and curtains in the concert/reading room, which will improve the acoustics and appearance, protect the premises from too much sun/overheating, and retrofitting by purchasing: a camera, camera, overhead projector, screen, chairs and shelving for the concert hall.


A group of people, without official support, joined forces in 2008 to create a community library to repair and beautify the neighbourhood. From the beginning, the Library's main aim was to "youthise" and awaken civic activity.

The library began in a dilapidated building, which was brought up to scratch thanks to the joint efforts of many committed people. Despite the great heart of the community, it was necessary to raise funds to equip the library. Thanks to the Busole project, the Library's premises will be significantly improved, thus creating an even more friendly place for the residents of Stogi and the surrounding neighbourhood.


The project's beneficiaries will be the residents of Stogi and the surrounding area, in particular children, Tricity musicians, local immigrants, students, local seniors and bibliophiles.

Project summary



The idea behind the BUSOLE 2022 Family Orienteering Outdoor Games project was to activate the residents of the districts of Nowy Port, Stogi and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie in terms of recreation in green areas by organising a series of 6 outdoor orienteering events of a recreational and sporting nature (2 in each district).

The added value of the project was the participants' familiarity with using a map, reading topographic signs and orientating themselves in the field.


As part of the task, a series of six outdoor orienteering events of a recreational and sporting nature was organised. For each edition, participants signed up for one of four available routes, differing in length, number of checkpoints and degree of difficulty. At the start, they would receive maps with marked places they would have to reach and confirm their presence at special checkpoints.

Each of the series of six events was held using the SportIdent electronic timing system. At the finish line, participants received a printout with their result, where they could check at what speed they had covered each section and where they had made mistakes. After the event, full results for all routes were published on the project website.

Free starting packets were available to residents of the following districts: Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie.


The project's target group was children, young people and adults, with particular focus on the districts of Nowy Port, Stogi and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie. The events were aimed at all people who want to spend their free time in an active way, combining recreation with learning about natural heritage and social integration.




The main objective of the project "RETURN TO THE ROOTS IN THE PANDEMIC TREATMENT - health prevention and social rehabilitation of seniors" was to organise a series of lectures, demonstrations, sports activities, meetings and workshops for seniors on dietetics, mental health, activity, rehabilitation and recreation open to the local community.

Specialists from various walks of life - doctors, dieticians, physiotherapists, athletes, coaches - were invited to conduct these classes.

Another objective was to organise a family and integration festival in the garden of DPS "Ostoja", open to the local community. The event, entitled "Senioriada", was intended to encourage seniors to be more physically active, to help them make use of the knowledge acquired at the above-mentioned workshops and to prevent social exclusion of older people by inviting whole families and children to the event, who could take part in sports competitions together with the seniors.


Since its inception, DPS "Ostoja" has been seen as a place to integrate seniors into the local community. It hosted a wide range of cultural, educational and entertainment activities for the general public. The outbreak of the pandemic completely changed this reality.

With the implementation of the Busole Project, DPS Ostoja wanted to return to its original goals with great strength and energy - to rekindle the enthusiasm of senior citizens to act for their immediate social environment, restore their self-confidence and help them return to health and daily physical activities.


The main beneficiaries of the project are senior citizens, school children, families of senior citizens and the local community - residents of Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowec - Górki Zachodnie.




The main objective of the project "Sports activation of young inhabitants of Przeróbka, Stogi, Krawiec and Górki Zachodnie - SPORT FOR ALL CHILDREN" was to activate children and young people from the neighbouring districts in sports. It showed that sport, especially at a young age, is essential for proper physical and mental development;

As part of the project, free sports activities were organised in club facilities. Children and young people participated in, among other things: training in the sports hall, gym, rowing ergometers, running games, activities on rowing boats, canoes and dragon boats.


The task consisted in sports activation for children and young people from the areas neighbouring the Drakkar Club (e.g. Przeróbka Stogi, Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie). The club ran free sports activities for the residents of these neighbourhoods, regardless of the participants' sporting predispositions, thus drawing the children out of the deep exercise deficit which has been greatly exacerbated by the pandemic reality in recent times.

Classes were held at the club facilities five times a week. Children and young people took part in, among other things: training in the sports hall, gym, rowing ergometers, running games, rowing boats, kayaks and dragon boats.

The aim of the project was to get all participants interested in sport/ rowing as an excellent and healthy alternative to extracurricular activities and to prove that sport can be one of the greatest adventures in the first decades of young people's lives.


Activities for all willing children and young people aged between 11 and 18 regardless of sporting level or physical aptitude.

Recruitment to the project was continuous - new participants could apply throughout the year.




The main objective of the project "Direction - Backyard 61" was to create additional space for free play for pupils of Primary School No. 61 and the youngest residents of Przeróbka, to promote a healthy lifestyle among the youngest pupils of the school and parents of the youngest residents of the district, to develop creativity in children and to support the psychophysical development of the youngest pupils.


"Direction - backyard 61" - Expansion of the previously existing playground, addition of wooden elements for free play, a mud kitchen and a fabric sun canopy. The result is a friendly space where every child will find "something for themselves", be able to personally direct their activities and develop their creativity in play.

The project funds will allow the completion of "Backyard 61″, in line with the idea of "free play", a natural playground of willow twigs has already been created next to the traditional playground, and a Gratosfera has also been erected. As part of the "Direction - Backyard 61″ project, the school also organised a series of activities for children aged 4-7 living in the Przeróbki district, as well as our younger students, using the "backyard" space created. During sports and art classes, under the supervision of teacher-instructors, the children got to know an attractive place to play and established new relationships with their peers. The activities were summarised by a field game for children and parents.


The beneficiaries of the project were pupils of the Primary School No. 61 in Gdańsk from the kindergarten division, younger classes and young inhabitants of Przeróbka - children aged 4 to 7 who are not school pupils, but who also need a safe place where they can play freely under the watchful eye of their parents.




During the project "Active in Our Neighbourhood with BHCT ", beneficiaries were introduced to the macramé technique by making ornaments and everyday objects. The children made their own glycerine soaps and an ecological advent calendar. The children were introduced to a new form of movement called Animal Flow, and for adults, meetings were held to learn about techniques for combating stress.


The project was carried out in two periods: from April to June and from September to November.

In the first term, three workshops were held, two in April and May for children and one in June for adults.

During the first workshop in the series, "Let's make a peace together", the children made a macramé hanging potholder.

The next workshop, "Homemade soap", was devoted to making colourful, fragrant glycerine soaps.

The last workshop in June, "Breathe a sigh of relief", introduced adults to methods of combating stress. This workshop also took place in September.

In the autumn edition, a workshop was held for children. During the "Let's do something together" workshop, the participants made a macramé wall decoration, a "dream catcher". And in November, at the "Ready for Christmas" meeting, children made their own ecological advent calendar.


The project's beneficiaries were children from the neighbourhood, a nearby school and adults, mainly senior citizens, library readers.




The aim of the 'Sewroom' project was to develop the activities of children, young people and local adults by creating and improving conditions for active intergenerational integration and the use, development and management of potentials and resources that lie in the diversity of generations through intergenerational education. It was also important to develop a passion for sewing, designing and generally making products on one's own, to develop interests and talents, to shape qualities such as sensitivity to beauty, imagination, a sense of aesthetics, creativity and patience. Broadening mental horizons, developing imagination, fantasy. Thanks to creativity and expression, beneficiaries gain self-confidence, develop their sense of value, break the barrier of uncertainty and fear, which often accompanies them in everyday life.


'Sewroom' is more than a project. It is the idea of creating a place that connects generations. A place that promotes lifelong learning, i.e. the idea of developing knowledge and skills in a personal and social perspective. A place for social integration, activation and intergenerational education through sewing machines and mutual learning. A place that offers the opportunity to show or discover the potential of possibilities for people of different ages. An open space where everyone can be themselves. A meeting place where it will be possible to better understand each other and the needs of people of a particular generation and to meet the social needs of anyone who wishes to create it together.


The project's beneficiaries were primarily children and young people from the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 3 in Gdańsk, as well as their parents, siblings and neighbours.

