
The Neighbourhood House in Przeróbka “Fairytale World”, thanks to the support of the Baltic Hub, is expanding, reaching out to more and more residents and offering more and more creative activities for different age groups. On the initiative of - Neighbourhood Club and with funding from the Busole District Grant 2023, a series of manual workshops and football tournaments for young people have been successfully implemented.

 Since 2022, the “Fairytale World” Neighbourhood House has employed two leisure animators and run creative activities for different age groups. Winning the Busole District Grant made it possible not only to continue, but also to significantly expand the Neighbourhood House's activity offer. The development of the offer included workshops where participants had the opportunity to create their own bath balls, rubber slime, animal houses and soaps. Some of the activities took place over the festive period, which provided the opportunity to make their own gift for loved ones.

In addition, thanks to the grant received, the Neighbourhood House organised a series of football tournaments for children and young people. The games, which took place at Primary School No. 61 in Przeróbka, attracted a large number of participants and allowed for active leisure and integration of the local community.

We would like to thank the Baltic Hub very much for its support, for the funding, not only for these manual classes at - the House, but also for the sports activities that we were able to implement thanks to the fundingsays Łukasz Tomkiewicz, co-organizer of the football tournaments.

The aim of the project submitted to the Busole District Grant in 2023 was to create a place where the residents of - Przeróbka and  surrounding - could develop their interests, improve their manual skills and integrate with other residents.

I see the Baltic Hub as an exceptional company that does not forget about the residents living nearby. We still remember the fantastic fete they organised. We can say that they are still present, they remember and care about usadds Adrianna Górna, the coordinator of the project.

The “Fairytale World” Neighbourhood House project is an excellent example of how local activities can contribute to community development and integration.

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