It was attended by residents of nearby districts, tourists and students from several neighboring Gdansk schools. Together with DCT Gdańsk, local companies also joined the action: Lotos, PGE Baltica,, GLP, ROBYG and Port of Gdansk.
Representatives of the companies, students and their teachers, as well as other environmental enthusiasts, cleaned the beach in Stogi of plastic and glass bottles, nets, cigarette butts, paper and old television set. The youngest and oldest participants in the beach clean-up were 82 years apart - all were equally committed to the initiative.
- Thanks to such initiatives, we raise the environmental awareness of children, but also help to build a dialogue between companies operating locally and young people. This is yet another time we are taking part in this action, as we passionately believe in its purpose. Caring for the natural environment, especially of such a valuable natural place as the beach in Stogi, is part of our DNA, says Magdalena Jagła, Marketing and Communication Coordinator at DCT Gdańsk.