
Last summer, thanks to the support of the Baltic Hub as part of the second edition of the Busole District Grant, 48 children from Przeróbka, Stogi and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie had the opportunity to participate free of charge in a summer half-camp organised by the Central Academic Sports Centre in Górki-Zachodnie. The initiative provided attractive and active entertainment for children from the neighbouring districts of the Baltic Hub.

Throughout the summer, 10 camps were held, with a total of 250 children aged 5-12 taking part, 48 of whom had the chance to participate in activities, thanks to financial support from the Busole District Grant. The activities took place from Monday to Friday. While the parents were at work, the children enjoyed water sports activities such as windsurfing, optimist boating, SUP boards and kayaking. Each activity was conducted in a way adapted to the skills and age of the participants, including both theoretical lessons and practical workshops on the floodplain of the Vistula Bold. Also included in the programme were a yacht cruise, motorboat trips, water banana fun, games and physical activities on the beach and on the pitch, shanties, knot tying, rugby and a climbing wall. The aim was to organise activities that combined fun with developing new interests, as well as strengthening bonds and making new friends. In addition, the summer camp was an ideal way to develop independence in the participants.

The Baltic Hub played a very important role. Above all, we would like to thank it for the trust it placed in our project and chose to implement it. Thanks to the cooperation, we were able to invite 48 participants to take part in our camps. These were mainly people from the closest neighbourhoods. Lots of smiles, lots of fun, we were on the same team. We definitely succeeded and the children went back to school happy and with cool memories – says Sebastian Kacprzak Marketing and Sales Manager at AZS.

The organisers of the summer camps not only nurtured the physical and intellectual development of the participants, but also sought to socially integrate the wards with their peers through cooperation, which was also an important goal for the Baltic Hub. By partnering with local schools and the community, the initiative had a real impact on the integration of residents, starting with the youngest. The camps were very popular and received positive feedback from both children and their parents. It was a time filled with positive energy and joy for all participants.

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