
Thanks to funding from the "Busole" grant competition organised by the Baltic Hub, a fully equipped occupational therapy room have been opened at the "Ostoja" Nursing Home. Seniors can now take part in music, theatre, art and many other activities.

The project succeeded in creating and equipping an occupational therapy room on the premises of "Ostoja" Nursing Home. The newly equipped room on the ground floor of the building are now fully functional. With the right equipment, including musical instruments, sewing machines, art materials and furniture adapted to the needs of occupational therapy, senior citizens can develop their passions and skills in a friendly atmosphere.

We wanted the rooms to be friendly and, thanks to a grant from the Baltic Hub, we were able to purchase new furniture and equip the studios with materials and tools to add variety to the activities for our seniors. Many thanks to the Baltic Hub for organising two editions of the Busole neighbourhood grant. Thanks to this, our classes are more varied and tailored to the needs of the seniors and the people we invite to participate says Bartosz Zieliński, Director of the Ostoja Nursing Home.

The project involved not only the creation of a new occupational therapy workshop. As part of the grant, a family and integration fete was also organised for residents of the Stogi, Przeróbka and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie neighbourhoods. The festivities, entitled "Farewell to summer", took place last October in the garden of "Ostoja" Nursing Home and were an excellent opportunity for senior citizens, their families and all residents of the neighbourhoods to have fun together. As part of the festivities, numerous activities awaited the participants, such as sports competitions with prizes, handicraft workshops and face painting.

The overall aim of the project is to prevent health and social exclusion among seniors. The occupational therapy workshop at "Ostoja" Nursing Home provides a place that encourages creative work and development for seniors but also for pupils from neighbouring schools who are invited to take part in the workshops Through a variety of activities and intergenerational cooperation, participants can develop passions, acquire new skills and open up to social contact.

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