The main purpose of the project "RETURN TO THE ROOTS DURING THE PANDEMIC - health prevention and social rehabilitation of senior citizens" is to organise, on the premises of the "Ostoja” Nursing Home, a series of lectures, demonstrations, sports activities and meetings dedicated for the local community, as well as workshops on dietetics, mental health, physical activity, rehabilitation and recreation dedicated to local senior citizens.
Specialists from various fields of life, including doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, athletes and coaches, will be invited to conduct these classes.7Tekstaddexpandmore-dots TekstENparagraphheader-2header-3header-4header-5header-6bolditalicstrikeunderlinehrlinkunlinkulolquotecodetableundoredoSource code
Another objective is to organise a family and integration festival in the garden of the "Ostoja" Nursing Home, open to the local community. The festival, called "Senioriada", is to encourage senior citizens to become more physically active, help them to use the knowledge they gained at the above-mentioned workshops, and prevent social exclusion of the elderly by inviting whole families and children to the festival, so that they can participate in sports competitions together with seniors.
Since its establishment, the "Ostoja" Nursing Home has been perceived as a place where senior citizens integrate with the local community. It hosted a vast range of cultural, educational and entertainment events dedicated to a wide audience. The outbreak of the pandemic completely changed this reality.
By implementing the ‘Busole’ Project, the “Ostoja” Nursing Home wants to return to its original goals with great strength and energy, i.e. to reawaken seniors' en8Tekstaddexpandmore-dots TekstENparagraphheader-2header-3header-4header-5header-6bolditalicstrikeunderlinehrlinkunlinkulolquotecodetableundoredoSource code thusiasm for acting for the benefit of their immediate social environment, to restore their self-confidence and to assist them in recovering their health and daily physical activities.
Project summary
The main beneficiaries of the project are seniors, school children, families of senior citizens and the local environment - residents of Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowiec - Górki Zachodnie.