
As of the end of March 2024, the total progress of construction work on the T3 container terminal is already more than 45%. The favorable weather has allowed to accelerate the pace of work, so that the capping beam of the north quay has been completed 100% two weeks ahead of the current schedule. Significant progress can also be seen on other concrete elements such as, the main quay - more than 25% advanced, and the parallel element to the quay, the so-called inland beam - RCB, which is 15% advanced. Both of the above-mentioned elements are crucial to the entire quay structure due to the fact that they will ultimately carry loads from STS-type quay cranes. 

The planned completion in late April of this year of the reclamation consolidation for the remaining area of about 6 hectares out of a total area of 36 hectares, will allow the release of work fronts at the last four of the total targeted eighteen storage yards. Meanwhile, reinforced concrete and infrastructure works are being carried out in parallel on the previously released, post-consolidation sites. The total advancement of work on the elements of the CRMG crane beams is more than 40% and for the foundations of the lighting masts 85%, on which the lighting poles, more than 30 meters high, will be erected. The contractor has begun welding and anchoring the rails for the targeted semi-automatic yard cranes, so as to start installing the CRMG cranes in the third quarter of this year.

Works related to the plunging of the south quay wall have been completed and, consequently, the piling works on the project have been completely finished. Large-scale infrastructure works, i.e. storm water drainage, water supply installation and electrical power installation, have been started. The erection of building structures has been completed, and they are currently being equipped. In the coming month, it is planned to start pavement works and continue industry works, reinforced concrete works and all those mentioned earlier. 

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