District Creativity Hub – once again we support the community library in Stogi

Baltic Hub has once again supported the community library of the “Friendly Pomerania” Association in Stogi as part of the “District Creativity Hub” project. Thanks to the donated funds, the day-care centre, which operates at the library, can run free activities for children and young people throughout the summer holidays.

The community library on Hoża Street in Gdańsk has acted as a centre of life for the local community for 15 years. Every summer it offers children and young people from the area the opportunity to spend their free time in a creative and worthwhile way. The day-care centre is open daily from 9:00 to 17:00 throughout July and August.

In addition to access to the extensive book collection, the library organises a variety of activities to develop imagination, creativity and artistic and sporting skills, while integrating the local community, including children, young people, seniors and parents. There are piano, guitar and flute classes, movement and rhythm classes under the guidance of a fitness instructor, and one of the children's favourite activities is an art workshop that allows them to express themselves freely.

The day-care centre, which has been set up in the library, mainly deals with children, mainly from Stogi, but not only, as we are open to all children. We want to show them how to spend their free time effectively. The day-care centre is not meant to resemble a school. It's about children having a good time and being together. Firstly, they have company, and secondly, there is a great variety of games and board gamessays one of the caretakers working at the day-care centre.

Thanks to funding from the “District Creativity Hub” programme, the library is able to employ additional supervisors for the summer holidays. During the school year, one sitter takes care of the children, while in the holidays, thanks to the support of the Baltic Hub, three people are employed.

It is a huge responsibility for the children who come here, which is why it is so important to have someone here permanently – one or two people. Thanks to the tremendous help and support of Baltic Hub, it can be three people. My two colleagues and I work throughout the holidays. Our most important goal is first and foremost to take care of the children, to show them how they can spend their free time and to teach them to take responsibility for themselvesadds the caretaker.

Baltic Hub has been actively supporting the community library in Stogi for many years. The terminal has contributed, among other things, to the renovation of the library spaces and the day-care centre. In addition, the project of the “Friendly Pomerania” Association was recognised during the first edition of the “Busole” district grant organised by Baltic Hub.

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